UGH. It is true. I am like a heroin addict when it comes to sugar. I don't boil it in a spoon and inject it, but when I have a bad day, or am in pain, or am just moody all I can think about is a giant sundae, or cookie, or organic milk chocolate.....
It makes me drool just thinking about it.
I have been good with trying to avoid sugar and foods that are high on the glycemic index
But yesterday not one but two dirty old men came into my work making lewd comments about "Serving my breasts" or "Your breasts are so juicy!" or "Do I get two breasts? they come in pairs!"
People I did NOT know, people who stood there being lewd and annoying causing me at one point to say "Oh thats hilarious, tell my husband there what you said!" Pointing to my very tall, very large friend Mark from produce who is built like a mountain. He walked over, put his arm around my waist and says in his deep gravely voice "Everything ok hunny?" The older man gaped like a fish and skittered away. But I was still shaking and seriously uncomfortable.
Mark said before he is my go to security guy because he thinks of me like a little sister and his girlfriend loves me. I am normally tougher than that, but it was the straw that broke the camels back. So my boss bought me a cookie, and a small ice cream cone.
I should say about my job people are normally VERY kind. But there are just every one in a hundred who make you feel anxious, uncomfortable, and like you want to crawl into a dark hole and hide.
After my bad day at work I had the stupid idea to run to sprawlmart and pick up long underwear for myself and Chris (especially myself because I am FREEZING in my work warehouse!) they are doing construction and I could not find anything. It took me almost 40 minutes to find leggings and long underwear. And once I found leggings they had only size "gigantic" or "infant" I was so annoyed I left with too big leggings that I will probably use as pajamas and long underwear that i prayed would fit Chris.
Kayne Michael still has an open sore on his foot. I need to go to a drug store and get Vet Wrap and gauze. until it is healed and stops draining it needs to be cleaned and covered and I don't want him to have to wear a lamp shade on his head. The vet said if it is still "weeping" after a few days we will have to insert a drain or "wick" its basically sterile gauze that is partially packd into the wound and the tail is left out, then the entire thing is covered and left for a day. The gauze absorbs any fluid or puss and then you pull it out. I have seen it done, and assisted in doing several drains on large and small animals, but Chris is virtually useless when it comes to even cleaning a wound much less shaving a struggling animal and holding him while I incise and pack a wound. I may just take him to the clinic and get him doped on Valium before hand (vet prescribed)
Luckily our vet knows my history with working at Clinics and has no problem with letting ME give Kayne intramuscular, subcutaneous, and IV shots as long as he watches. Kayne has veins like a horse and if I can get a vein on a kitten who is barely three weeks old, he is like throwing a bowling ball down a hallway. Even the vets from Cornell said "If you are comfortable with it we will just let you start his IV"
The skills you learn working with a large dog who has serious anxiety and stranger aggression.
I swear my house looks like a minature pharmacy with all the butterfly IVs, needles, syringes, medications, IV bags, tubing, gauze, ointments, tapes, vet wrap...
And with Chris being accident prone the only thing that I DON'T have is sutures. Well at least if the apocalypse comes I will be able to treat wounds!
I kinda want to learn phlebotomy just so I can learn to draw my own blood blindfolded. Everyone seems to have trouble with it, but my sister in law could draw blood from a mouse. She is REALLY GOOD.
I am talking with my vet friend who is also a naturopath and told him I had tried drawing poultice on Kayne's foot. I said it looked better today, we agree that we will use the small wick and ichthammol and calendula pack for a few more days.
I don't want to put him on antibiotics because Bulldogs are already so low in immune response I don't want to lower it anymore.
Currently Kayne is sleeping with his stuffed monkey with his foot covered in a gauze and a clean sock.
Poor baby!
Oh a note on Dodger. Dodger Oliver "De Leon" Manlove is a cat bully.
BUT I have been giving all the cats "GoOD Cat!" and Bachs Rescue Rememdy. I put it on their noses and dilluted it and sprayed it on their bedding and food.
Dodger last night actually was trying to cuddle with Ani. Ani Louise was NOT HAVING THAT. and smacked him in the face.
Dodger ran over to me and slumped down hiding his face in my chest. I think he really wants to play and cuddle and the girls are just too old for that.
He even tries to get the dog to play with him.
Chris and I are torn. We think that having another cat would be a bad idea, but also think Dodger really needs someone to play with besides myself and Chris. We may offer to temporarily keep one of the girl Siamese from downstairs so Dodger has a playmate... We are still thinking about it, not wanting to go thru having the girls pee on our bed in anger.
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