Hey there, its JUNE and Kind Outreach is FREAKIN busy yo!
First and Foremost we have
literature now in conjunction with VERA House and Spay and Neuter Syracuse to hand out to families relocated by domestic violence, displaced by catastophy or just down on their luck.
Also we have
Info packs to give to schools and educators on Humane education and are still plugging away at a curriculum.
We are in need of leashes, kennels, old carriers, portable water bowls, animal themed coloring books, reams of paper, cameras/film, Ace Bandages, Sterile gauze,Newspapers, and dog/cat food. We are getting into kitten season and also are looking for foster homes and "scholarships" for neuters and spays.
If you can help us, give us a ring.
We want to have a
Recipe Book (Cook Book) gathered with vegan/vegetarian recipes to sell for a buck or two for KOHEP's first of hopefully annual fundraising effort to support
Spay and Neuter Syracuse, Vera House, Humane Association, Wandering Paws , and others too numerous to mention. If they help kids in crisis and the animals they love, we will help with whatever we can.
We are also trying to formulate a
Can drive and
Change for Change drive. If you or your business would like to host a can/change drive give us a rin and we will drop off a container or pick up your cans.
We will be getting ready to do some outreach at Summer Events and will be recruiting for volunteers! There are ferals to trap at Toomey and there are going to be kittens soon that need to be trapped tested and dealt with.
To save paper we will NOT be doing a newsletter but info will be e-mailed and available on our blogger site
http://kindoutreach.blogspot.comSpeaking of the web: http://kindoutreach.blogspot.com
48 kittens! Plus the 6 Amy has! Pass it along to your friends. (le SIGH people really do suck...Amy, wandering paws, SANS, and other awesome kitty huggers
RULE BTW Jeci hug Maggie and Talia for me)
And just to keep things interesting:
www.myspace.com/kindoutreachWon't YOU be our neighbor?
Short and Sweet, just like KOHEP
Heads up, paws forward,
-- "It is not enough to have compassion, one must act." -His Holiness the Dalai LamaJoy (KJ) Manlove & Amber Coon
Kind Outreach and Humane Education Project
Syracuse, NY 13210