Monday, July 28, 2008

Las Vegas, Las Veeeegas....

So My Sister is going to send me to Las Vegas and I am buying myself an early birthday present THIS most likely I will be not getting it until my birthday but still.

I am going to be going online to see what stuff there is to do in Las Vegas while I am there, that will tell me how long I am going to stay. My sister wants me to stay for a week. I could see myself doing it.

More likely I need to get going on finding a job.

So far there have been little or no leads and bills are looking ominous.

Crash almost outright refuses to get another job. I am looking at the local food coop and Wegmand for part time work and looking at VESID and Healthy NY.

Being partially disabled really sucks, especially at so young.

Today I feel it though. I am sore and tired and hot even with AC on. I can't wait to go home and crawl into bed, I am thinking Ice cream for dinner.

Yeah, Its been that kind of day.


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